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How To Take Care Of Yourself

If you’re struggling, you can call, text, or web chat with the 988 Lifeline. Our counselors are available 24/7 to listen and support you without judgment. When contacting the 988 Lifeline, there is no need to reveal your condition unless you choose to. The counselor will be able to support you either way.


Make a safety plan.

Have a step-by-step plan ready for if/when you feel depressed, suicidal, or in crisis, so you can start at step one and continue through the steps until you feel safe. Having a template on hand (PDF) with an established plan may be helpful, or you can learn more by watching how to build your own safety plan.

How To Help

Resources for Neurodivergent People

Warning Signs of Suicide for Autistic People

Warning signs of imminent suicidal behavior in the general public do not represent the unique needs of the autism community. The purpose of this resource is to inform about warning signs, indicating an immediate concern of suicidal behaviors, specific to autistic people.

Crisis Supports for the Autism Community

This resource was developed to aid crisis center workers in identifying and supporting autistic callers/texters who are in crisis. A person with autism may or may not disclose their diagnosis to a crisis center worker or even be aware they are on the autism spectrum, yet still need individualized, specific support. This resource includes ways to identify potential callers/texters who show autistic traits and characteristics, as well as ways to support autistic people in crisis. The resource also explains the unique differences in communication, thought processes, sensory issues, and misunderstandings a crisis worker may encounter while helping autistic people in crisis.

Autism Resource for Warning Signs of Suicide: Considerations for the Autism Community

This toolkit examines the warning signs for the general public listed on the American Association of Suicidology (AAS)’s website and explains important considerations to be aware of while working with autistic people.

Reasons for Living

A Suicide Prevention Resource for Autistic Individuals Developed by the Autism and Suicide Prevention Workgroup

How to ADHD YouTube Channel

This channel is my ADHD toolbox — a place to keep all the strategies I’ve learned about having & living with ADHD. It’s also grown into an amazing community of brains (& hearts!) who support & help each other. Anyone looking to learn more about ADHD is welcome here!

Mom on the Spectrum

I’m Taylor, a mom of 2 who was diagnosed as autistic at 31. My diagnosis brought up questions, frustration, doubt, but most importantly, a new level of self compassion and understanding.